American Bicycle Racing

Event Info:
4/01 MATTS-ROTY John Fraser Memorial Time Trial, Maple Park, IL
Weather is supposed to be amazing on Sunday, oh, and windy!
Here is link to course map, registration, parking, etc.
Registration at Maple Park Building/Library basement, 302 Willow Street, Maple Park, IL 60151
Pre-registered riders must sign in & receive your number before your race.

Parking is restricted to the parking areas shown on the map. Failure to
park in either of the 2 locations (on both sides of Dekalb Dr, east of
County Line Rd, as well as the A&P Grain Systems just north of the
Dekalb Dr. parking), will more than likely result in a fine and/or
towing from the Maple Park Police Department as well as disqualification
from any & all John Fraser Memorial Time Trial races you do on Sunday.
So make sure you park in the locations permitted.
Once you have parked, you can either walk or ride over to registration.

Prizes/Awards after the races, will present Awards & hold the team raffle in the
basement at registration. So if you are on a team or are expecting a prize, stick around! Even if you aren't, stick

